• IMG_4962
  • IMG_4963

365 Birth Date Lip Balm

Regular price
RM 22.95
Sale price
RM 22.95
Regular price
RM 0.00

Product Info

365 LIP BALM (Mitsuhime) 是一款丰富的润唇膏,可为干燥的双唇带来水分和光泽 ❤️

百年老店🏆 根据出生日期选择 💄 

包装都是日本风格!真的很Nice ❤️

独一无二的日期包装 ❤️❤️自留送礼都很棒 🫶🏻

下单记得要告诉我们日期喔 📅 

Delivery Info


Item will take 14 to 24 or more working days to arrive after the batch closing date / item launch date (if has any).

Our preorder batch closes at 10th, 20th and 30th / 31st of every month. For example, if you made your order on the 11th, you are in batch with the closing date at 20th.

Kindly allow delay due to unpredictable circumstances beyond our control.

*Note : working days are Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays in Malaysia / related countries.

Custom & Duties:

For Malaysian Customers

Import duties and taxes are included. No second payment and extra charges.

For International Customers

Kindly note that import duties and taxes and charges aren't included in the item price.

Customer will hold the responsibility for the extra import duties and charges if there's any.

For more info, please view our delivery inquiries here.